Most of us notice thinning of hair and signs of balding after a certain age. From oiling to using expensive regrowth products and applying masks, there is a lot we do to get our younger locks back. However, home remedies might not be that effective. If you are tired of trying anf getting nowhere close to your desired result, a hair transplant can be a saviour.
In a hair transplant, a surgeon identifies an area where you have a lot of hair, and moves it to the area where you have less or thin hair. The first step is numbing the both the areas. After that, a small strip of skin is removed from the area with a lot of follicles. It is cut into around 1000 very small grafts which will be transplanted. After that, the area with less hair is numbed and small holes are created there. Lastly, the surgeon carefully places the grafts into the holes.
It should take around 6-8 hours, depending upon the number of grafts to be planted